Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vintage Knitting...

If you love vintage knits and/or knitting here are a hand full of patterns for you. As alway, the more I find, the more I post.

Collection of free knitting patterns...

I've decided to continually collect and post up free knitting patterns I find over my internet surfing travels. Who knows, maybe they will be some use to someone.


Serenity (Intermediate) Alexi Throw ( Experienced)

Baby Blankets:

Baby Clothes:

Baby Poonam ( Intermediate) Baby Cardigan ( Easy) Baby Hoodie ( Intermediate)
Bunny beanie ( Intermediate) Summer Top ( Experienced) Eyelet Baby Cardigan ( Experienced)
Kanoko Pants ( Intermediate) Rudyard Baby Sweater ( Easy)


Carmella ( Intermediate) Carina (Intermediate) Chunky Cable Cardigan ( Experienced)
Linea Rossa ( Experienced) Gala (Intermediate) Luanna (Experienced) Mood ( Intermediate)
Necktie ( Intermediate) Organico ( Intermediate) Springtime in Paris ( Intermediate)
Turpan ( Intermediate) Victorian (Experienced) Wrap-around (Intermediate)

Child's Clothing:

Lee and Purse( Intermediate) Poncho (Easy) Jumper ( Easy)

Jacket's (Men's):

Cycling Aran ( Experienced)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tip of the day...

Circular knitting needles and their Use.

It may look tough to do, but it actually isn't very hard at all. In reality they are not circular, most are simply two short needles attached at the ends by a single nylon cord. These nylon cords themselves vary in length: anywhere for 6-60 inches long.

  • No ends after the completion of the very first row.
  • No turning after completing each and every row ( You are essentially going around and around and around until you reach your desired length for the piece).
  • Stockinette can be produced without having to alternate between knit and purl per row ( you can stitch either purl or knit all the time).
  • (I like circular knitting needles for the simple fact that the majority of the stitches ( and their weight) fall on the nylon cord, reducing the stress on my hands and wrists.)

  • make sure your project will fit correctly...(i.e. use shorter lengths for children's clothing and longer cords for adult clothing.)
  • markers are a must (having no edge makes it hard to take spot where to start or stop)
  • After casting on make sure stitches are not twisted on the cable.
  • Never turn back!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bespeckled Band...

Yet another of my latest work. This is a short (19 inch) scarf I made with a really colorful wool blend my fiance bought for me some time ago. He bought just 1 skein for $12 and tax so the yarn instantly became a treasure to me. As a treasure I irked to find something special to make with the special yarn. Ergo...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An Absolute must have...

Alright. So you're not exactly a knitting novice. But you're not exactly an expert either. The perks to being an intermediate knitter is that you are at the point where you know you can knit, the hardest part ( learning) is over, and you still maintain an appreciation for harder patterns.One problem the intermediate knitter also commonly comes across is learning yarn and its abilities/attributes/expectations. I myself fall in this intermediate knitter category. I still have major problems with gauge and yarn types. Perhaps it's all because of all the "yarn boom" we've experienced since the 90's. There's just way too many different yarn types to choose from, which can honestly cause some frustration as well as confusion.
So on my quest to find the ultimate yarn book I
have finally, finally, finally found the book of yarn life. It is an absolute must must must. Meet ( and buy at Amazon.com) The Knitters Book of Yarn: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing, Using and Enjoying Yarn (Hardcover).

Blood and Bone and Blood Red...

My latest handiwork...

Blood Red ( Cowl)

Blood and Bone(scarf/headband)