Yet another little item I found on Knitty. This site is absolutely amazing. This one is on how to knit a womb.::chuckle chuckle::How creative can people get? Anyway. Here's the link: Womb. Enjoy!
A blog dedicated to the knitters world. This blog is continually constructed and updated in order to gather and re-disperse information about the history, and evolution of the craft of knitting. My goal is to help beginners, advance the intermediate and keep experienced knitters interested in the craft.
On Sunday afternoon, while sitting on the couch, folding loads of laundry and waiting for the beef roast to finish cooking, I was half-way watching PBS when I saw the program about knitty.com and the photo of the hand-knitted womb.
Well, I laughed so hard, I almost fell off the couch, because I am the Residency Coordinator for a large medical center's OB/GYN department. I would love to have a hand-knitted womb to present to my program director as a Christmas gift, BUT.....I don't knit and I know of no one who does knit. I did some "Google" searching and found your blog referring to the hand-knitted womb and I was wondering if I can "hire" you to knit that product for me? If so, how much would the cost be for a bubblegum pink knitted womb?
Please let me know if you or if you know of someone who would be willing to knit one for me to purchase.
This is just too funny AND TOO APPROPRIATE not to have in the OB/GYN department of a residency program.
Any information will be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you.
Janice Golka
OB/GYN Residency Program Coordinator
Email: jgolka@unmc.edu
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